Power line networking gateway

Network gateway/router for managing all the power line nodes on the network. Connects to three phases on one side and Ethernet, WiFi or Celluar on the other side

PLAN Building installation architecture
  • Gateway can be placed on on any or all of of the three phases of the low voltage side (80 to 305VAC between phase and neutral) of the building or city power grid.
  • Additional gateways can be placed downstream of interior distribution transformers. This is typical in large buildings where a single medium voltage feeder is used to feed MV-LV transformers placed in various locations in the large site.
  • Each gateway can support up to 255 nodes per network (or sub-net if multiple gateways are used in a building with multiple MV-LV transformers.
  • Each node can be hundreds of feet away from the next node and still maintain network connectivity.
  • OFDM based physical layer [ BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK] 
  • CENELEC B Band – compliant with world regulatory bodies
  • IEEE, ITU, IEC/CENELEC standards based 
  • Two layers of forward error correction for robust data communications in harsh power line channels
  • Adaptive tone mapping for optimal bandwidth utilization
  • Channel estimation to select the optimal modulation scheme between neighboring nodes.
  • “Robust” mode to improve communication under noisy channel conditions.
  • IEEE 802.15.4-based MAC layer well suited to low data rates.
  • 6LoWPAN adaptation layer to transmit IPv6 packets over powerline channels.
  • Multi layer encryption : Patented Cipher-Stream encryption on top of 256-bit Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  • Coexistence with older S-FSK (IEC 61334), and broadband IEEE P1901 and ITU standards.
  • Supports IPv6 to allow Internet-based energy management systems and applications.
  • Mesh routing protocol to determine the best path between remote network nodes
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